Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Makes Big Waves

Remember the adage about Redmond – 3rd time charm. Well Microsoft’s Surface Pro 3 appears to garner that lucky state big time. This machine announced today is already pulling in strong reactions all over the tech and business press: Motley Fool declares “Microsoft Corporation Launches Thermonuclear War On Its Own Partners With Surface Pro 3” Seeking […]
Adobe Spurs Open Source

Recently Adobe was in a disastrous, market threatening position – a major consumer software vendor that had to defend itself from the tyranny of Apple, Microsoft, and Google’s OS + App Store monopolies. These OS market share pinnacles allow arbitrary exclusion [Apple’s infamous Flash ban on iOS], OS API update dependencies or vulnerabilities [again, used in […]
Major Media Miss on Windows 8 and its Convertibles

Now this reviewer does not like to gloat but it is always a nice to see how far ahead of the Major Media Pack one can be. First the NYTimes and now Marketwatch, more than a year late, have “seen the opportunity and lead” that Windows 8 has in 2-in-1 or convertible laptops/tablets and with […]
Windows 8.1 Is What Windows 8.0 Should Have Been

Windows 8.1 is here and this is what Windows 8.0 should have been. All the usual IT reviewers are out on the day of the launch and they are cautiously optimistic about Windows 8.1. Gizmodo says – Windows 8.1 Review: Little Changes Make a Big Difference TheVerge says – It’s take two for Microsoft’s ambitious […]
The Fate of Bill Gates
Reuters started the ball rolling earlier this week saying the 3 of the top 20 Microsoft shareholders raised the question of whether Bill Gates should be replaced as Chairman of Microsoft. Now Bill’s 5% holding of Microsoft stock is the largest but the 3 dissident shareholders have a combined holding that is slightly larger. And […]
Microsoft Attitude Toward Web Standards

So then in 1997 to defeat Netscape Browser and Server, Bill made a promise to US Business Leaders – Microsoft in IE and IIS would implement all the W3C and other Internet standards. It is a promise he and Microsoft religiously never kept. Rather, he and his IE Troopers used outright sabotage [Java corruption; incomplete […]
How Google Beats Microsoft
Everybody and his brother know that Apple and Google are beating Microsoft and its latest yet-to-appear Phone 7 in the mobile market. You don’t need a table, but just in case here is the latest comparative numbers available from Gartner – note the Microsoft market share is for Windows Mobile 6.x and other Microsoft phone […]