I am surprised at the relatively few really good Winter Olympic Games widgets that are available on the various sites that are featuring Winter Olympic coverage. Here is a list of what I have found to data.

There are some collaborations with Facebook, but this is the only widget I could find – a medal count widget:

Winter Olympics NBC

The “Super Widget”

A Hockey Widget

Medal List

That is all I could find and I was surprised – I fully expected Social Media and Picture websites like Flickr and Google/Picasa to have all sorts of widgets to show off their members photos. In fact, the showing of photos has been the weakest part of the coverage by the games next to finding a live-feed from the games. Many North American broadcasters simply did not have enough bandwidth to support their alternate video feeds. So give the Winter Olympic Web media and some of the major Social Media players like Google a C grade at best for trying, but really falling short on using media and photos imaginatively from pro as well as attendee sources. There is a lot on Money to be made from somebody putting up a photo widget from the Games which features say 700 x 500 pixel free images and then offers fullsize images for sale. Hear that IOC, Getty, AFP, and other photo sources or media sites wanting to get more members and/or return on images taken.