Lurking in the bowels of the Chrome browser is a JavaScript Debugger which is as as good as Firebug for Firefox or the Visual Studio tool in IE8 and IE9 if not better. CTRL+SHIFT+J is the key shortcut to use to get at the debugger. Or use the Tool Icon + Tools + JavaScript Console.

This debugger is very rich and has added four more panel toolsets since the August 2010 video shown above. Talk about the face pace of development at Google. But also this means two “downsides” :
1)most of the videos are out of date  and 2)so is the documentation. Go here for the most up to date help that Google has released so far in terms of documentation.

Lets repeat the keyboard shortcuts to get you started in the Chrome Browser Debugger:
Assume you are in Chrome browser 9.x
CTRL+Shift+I – launches the debugger in  resources panel  with the console closed
CTRL+Shift+J – launches the debugger in scripts panel  with the console open
also clicking the Chrome browser Tool icon and then Tools | Developer Tools is the equivalent of CTRL+Shift+I. The result will pop up the Chrome debugger.

See our associated JavaScriptures blog for more on the Chrome Debugger Overview and other posts on how it works.