
Computerworld, Magazine of the Year for 2004 according to ASBPE, continues to help its readers with no reviews nor alternatives for problems with IE browser even though a search of its archives shows 28 stories about problems with IE since 2000.

In contrast, Infoworld has about 60 articles on aspects of the IE problems including at least half a dozen discussions of possible solutions.

Both Information Week and Wired have about 40-60 stories on IE security problems and about 3-4 stories on alternative solutions.

Forbes has about 80-100 stories on browser problems and about a dozen tips/reviews of solutions and/or alternatives.

BusinessWeek Online has about 20-25 stories about IE woes but no real discussion abouty solutions or alternatives.

eWeek has about 30-40 stories on IE browser problems
and about a dozen stories on solutions or alterantives. has about 120-150 stories on IE and releated security problems and has at least a dozen reviews and tips on solutions or alternatives.