Is it my imagine or has Google gone half-Bing[no pretty picture background] as seen in the screenshot above?

Now the rumors have been circulating at various shows that Google was changing its interface for Search results – and clearly what I have experienced is now out in the wild according to SearchEngineLand. And the new interface is very nice indeed – it brings Advanced Search Options right onto the leftsidebar on the page making it much simpler to do a “down and dirty” detail search. Also from the screen shot is is easier to have large thumbnails displayed with the the search results. Andthere is a grouping of search results into a natural block  – as all of the PCWorld  articles on broadband speed test.

But many users tell me having the various different Viewports like Timeline and Wonder wheel plus all the Google attractions suchs as Maps, Translate, News is the big attraction. Regardless of what strikes your fancy and how Google finally decide [or lets customers decide] how their Search Results are going to look – clearly Google has been Binged.