
Aptana Studio 3 beta is an HTML5 aware development tool. This means it has Intellisense with hinting capabilities for a broad range of HTML5 tags and syntax. In addition Aptana supports CSS3 and is capable of parsing mixed files of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript which are now the rule with Web 2.0, HTML5, PHP, and Ruby on Rails.

But the thrust of Aptana Studio 3 is really towards Ruby on Rails:
where Aptana has a debugger support plus automated deployment to Heroku for RRails apps  plus some very nice RRails guides/wizards. However, Aptana 3 also has strong PHP support on tap as well. Perhaps the key to the Studio for developers is its integration of a number of strong editor functions.

Already noted is the HTML5 savvy Intellisense but there is also  the ability of the parser to identify in a treelist all of the CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and PHP/Ruby objects/tags in a single command file. Developers can  then  search over a project for any links/definitions of those objects. These capabilities take Aptana 3 up to and some would argue beyond Dreamweaver CS5 for editing.  In addition, Aptana 3 provides a Terminal Window, Gihub menu commands and the ability to edit/customize the Studio interface. These are the type of strong editing features that are going to be essential for HTML5 development where  HTML cross CSS cross JavaSCript cross serverside scripting[all in one file], will be the norm not the exception

True there is no JavaScript debugger in sight nor any drag and drop Canvas/SVG designer. But for the hardcore HTML5 editing here is a tool that goes well beyond color coding and Intellisense only HTML5. Well worthy of the free download look-see at Aptana here.

2 Responses

  1. “Aptana 3 also has strong PHP” ????

    Support for PHP in Aptana is not good, tried 2 and 3 and both are not a patch on the support they had in 1.5, a real pity
