It is almost fitting that 2004 ends on a strident spamming battle with an obnoxious and obscenely obtuse wannabee hosting service,, spamming me and undoubted hundreds of thousands of others with their repeated message. To make things worse this is a reverse sting with an Egyptian using Liquid Web in Lansing Michigan and Wild West Web Services (a subsidiary) to inundate the market with spam messages on their wannabee hosting service(its not even close to competitive).
Now if I discover that has sold my email address to this merciless spammer – they will lose my business pronto. Such sleazy treatment is starting to permeate the webhosting world – its hard to find a good domain name registration agent and/or web hosting provider. So when you do find one – dont let them loose. Its hard to find good companies – and it looks like GoDaddy is slip sliding into sleaze!