
I could not believe what I saw on the siteSimple, a Google version of Basic, really VB/VBA, for the Google Android OS. So it appears the battle between Google Android versus Google Chrome OS may well be a real brouhaha. But even more important is the fact that Google Android for the Notebook as well as Android Smartphones will have a version of VB/VBA.

Okay I am just getting started on the pdf of the user manual, so this posting will have to be updated. And the Googlites do give credit to a “Northwest software company” – seems just like in Redmond and Hogwarts, saying the name of your most vaunted enemy is VERBOTEN. But clearly VB … uhh Simple is being adopted because it does make programming rather simple [until you change VB/VBA into Visual Fred]. Oh this is simply so delicious that I promise to keep you posted.

Here are a few more Simple Basic facts(July 30th 2009 update):
Download – here is where to find the code for a Simple Basic download;
Simple Basic –  written in Java!
Simple Basic – requires the ANDROID/SDK available here
Simple Basic – is case sensitive
Simple Basic –  is really a  tiny  subset of  VBA-Visual Basic for Applications
Simple Basic – has a curious “properties” appendix
Simple Basic – appears to depend on Android SDK for interface and file operations
Update on August 14th,2009
Simple Basic – is well named – right now it is VERY Simple relative to VBA let alone full VB
Simple Basic – biggest disappointment? => too mobile oriented in IO which wont work elsewhere
Simple Basic – best idea =>keep it Simple, VB/VBA has died the death of too many accretions

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