Sun has set a lot of standards, Open standards. That is a point well worth remembering. But with the new ZFS-Zettabyte File System with its colossal storage capacity, advanced journaling, flashpoint and security features, Sun is also setting a standard for innovation in primary computing.

Here is Infoworlds take on the ZFS – “It’s not every day that the computer industry delivers the level of innovation found in Suns ZFS. More and more advances in the science of IT are based on simply multiplying the status quo. ZFS breaks all the rules here, and it arrives in an amazingly well-thought-out and nicely implemented solution. This is the kind of engineering that made Sun a powerhouse. The achievement of ZFS certainly portends well for a company that might just be pulling itself back from also-ran status and into the limelight once more. “

Now here is my challenge to the Ciscos, Googles, HPs, IBMs, Microsofts , and other giants of the IT and Computing community – match this for truly Open and Innovative. Everyone one of the above Giants of Computing are on notice – can you deliver and give back to IT with equal Win-Win openess?

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