How Gutenberg is Shaking WordPress UI Foundations

But It Is Theme And PageBuilder Vendors Who Are Currently Transforming How WordPress UI Design Is Actually Done Let us be clear, Gutenberg is by itself having a profound effect on WordPress UI Design and Development. Here are some of the major trends. Gutenberg brings the 3rd Generation JavaScript frameworks to WordPress. In the case […]
Now WordPress PageBuilders Become SiteBuilders

There is no doubt there is a lot of competition in the WebBuilders marketplace. There are at least 10 very good WordPress PageBuilders. WordPress is now used on 29.2% of the world’s websites. Yet it is undergoing a PHP to JavaScript makeover with Gutenberg. Gutenberg , you see, is more than a Javascript based new Visual Editor […]
3 WordPress Visual Page Builders

WordPress has seen an explosion of no-coding, drag and drop Visual Page/Post Builders. These Visual Page/Post Builders bring 5 major benefits to the WordPress design world: 1)They are truly drag and drop, no coding Visual Designers; 2)They should work for both pages and posts but not all do; 3)Most work with any theme which allows for multiple […]