WordPress PageStyling with PageBuilders
WordPress Page Styling has moved from being the primary domain of the Theme chosen to display the website to what can now be called PageBuilder PageStyling. Now this transition from CSS styling via Theme to broader control of CSS styling options has been picking up pace in the past five years. The break up of […]
MultiLayout Themes: WP-PageBuilder Framework
MultiLayout Themes are changing profoundly how WordPress Page and Post Designs are done. This website has covered the trend and our companion Web Development site has recently looked at some of the major players. This review of WP-PageBuilder Framework will be the start of an ongoing set of reviews about MultiLayout Themes [ML-Themes] as they […]
UI Design Tools: Future Directions Now
There is a big battle brewing between WordPress’s fast evolving Gutenberg SiteBuilder and the top WordPress Pagebuilders. But the battle extends to 3rd party WebBuilder tools like SquareSpace, Wix, Weebly. And just for good measure, add in the JavaScript IDEs like free Mobirise and premium Bootstrap Studio. UI Tool Glossary PageBuilder – Frontend Page/Post only IDEs […]
JavaScript Arriving in WordPress Stealthily
With Calypso and Gutenberg, clearly JavaScript is arriving onto WordPress in a big way. Here are seven reasons why: Gutenberg is not just the new Visual Editor but is the “official” WordPress PageBuilder; But Gutenberg goes beyond page building and is a complete Web canvas builder – header, content, footer, sidebar plus any popups and […]
Web PageBuilders Are Essential Tools
How PageBuilder Tools have become essential in web development The combination of no-coding-required UI/UX PageBuilding features plus comparative operational ease of use has made WordPress.org [but curiously not WordPress.com] the best Web design environment for a broad range of business and IT systems. As a result WordPress has risen to a leading Market Share position […]
Mobirise JavaScript Website Developer
The last 4-5 years have seen the rise of open, free and popular CSS+HTML5+JS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation Zurb and Ink for creating mobile responsive apps for a variety of SPA-Single Page Applications to larger multi-page websites. It should not be a surprise that each of these free frameworks have generated a number of libraries […]