There has been a revolution in thinking over the past 50 years. How rationalizations is colored. The dual nature of Decision making. And better processes for thinking in general. The following set of presentationa and talks highlight some of these thinking insights.
But there is also a revolution in creating smart UI interfaces in WordPress. PageBuilder tools like Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor and Thrive Architect have prebuilt UI widgets for all types of fronted data entry and control tasks. On this page UI widgets for selectively masking/hiding page content from users. But the key is that masked/hidden content can be unveiled with a single click – Tabs, Toggles, Accordions and Content Switches deliver the GUI Presto Magic.
Daniel Kahneman | Intelligent Decision-Making from Marta Chierego on Vimeo.
Carousels and sliders also provide Tab-like capability but until recently slides only allowed single images or videos with captioning. But newer sliders now can contain data objects and CPT-custom Post Types, extending display options.
Tabs are a robust UI widget so long as the number of display options are 5 or fewer.2
There is a problem with the Elementor Toggle widget -one cannot control options for display of a toggle item . For example, I would like to have the second toggle item opened when the toggle is loaded. I also would like to control whether a toggle item is closed when another toggle item is opened. The revised Toggle widget in Thrive Architect gives users this control.
Next let us consider the Accordion Widget that looks a lot like the Toggle widget. It should have the following control behaviors. First, one should be able to indicate that one accordion be open on load of the entire accordion. Second, when a user clicks to open a new accordion item, the previous active accrordion is collapsed and closed. The bad news for Elementor is that it does not work that way.
The problem with the Elementor Accordion widget is that it appears to be a duplicate of the Toggle widget – no discernible special features.. And when we checked with the Pro Happy Elementor add-ons, again some more advanced styling but no collapse/ control options. Too bad.
Problem Solving is the source of some novel heuristics but also elaborate detailed strategies. Here are two of those views for the reecord.
Successful problem solving involves thinking ouside of the box. Here is exact example:
Three methods for describing aand solving a problem - sustaining system models.