Tom Yager is on a crusade to delineate the unfair practices behind the AMD vs Intel suit. He makes no apologies about taking sides with AMD in this suit – and has set up a phone and email address for people who want to supply facts and evidence on this case. He also has described on his weblog why and what evidence he has seen that has made him come to the conclusion that Intel has been acting with monopolistic malevolence and machinations against AMD.

For a journalist and leading writer at a major IT trade publication this is starting to move into uncharted waters. True enough, I have been waging a campaign here to make Microsoft much more responsible to the very developers it says are its number one priority. But this website, despite its million hits per month, is really only small potatoes compared to InfoWorld.

And InfoWorld has had its share of of iconclastic writers. Nicholas Petreley was one of the earliest champions of Linux while being very sceptical of the Windows Delivery versus Promises ratio. And who could count the crusades that Bob Metcalfe was involved in ? But this is the first time to this viewers note, that a publication has allowed a writer such leeway on not just an important topic but also regarding such a major player as Intel is.

However, I think that Tom again hits the nail on the head with the following remarks:
“Thats part of what I find so irksome: So much of what AMD claims is patently obvious. Intels been busted in the U.S. for anti-competitive dealings with AMD. Magazine columnists and Japans Fair Trade Commission were competent to handle the follow-up. Who the hell is minding the store in California (where the previous judgment against Intel was rendered) and Washington? AMD should not be the plaintiff here; it should be the government. But now that AMD has stepped to the plate, being left to shoulder this alone should bring shame to the agencies trusted to keep track of those with a history of misconduct.”
It is ironic just when the US and state governments are found wanting on keeping track of and controlling repeat sex offenders; there seems to be an equivalent myopia ?/incompetence ? in handling repeat antitrust offenders. For now in a reversal of roles, it is Europe and Japan leading the way on regulating unbridled monopoly power in the US.

So congratulations to both Tom Yager for taking such a clear and well ennunciated stand and Infoworld for letting the forum and voice prevail.

(c)JBSurveyer 2005