
Imagine you have to report on an event which is moving through the countryside often at 40km/hr with nearly two hundred participants constantly jostling and taking new positions while  a global audience of close to half a billion fans wants to know the latest. That is le Tour de France. As a fan  I have grown up with website along with the web – and I am amazed at what the leTour delivers today:
Best coverage of the ToursdeFrance cycling

During the course of a morning of design and coding work, one can quickly switch tabs and get up to date with the race as seen in the screenshot above. Distance travelled against a profile of the course, distance to go, race time, average speed – and best of all the breakouts and who by color of jersey is where in  in the various groupings. My, my – the stage  is nearly done and all the current race  leaders  have been dropped. There will be a changing of the guard among the race leaders.

And of course the live news flashes, refreshed every 15-40 seconds , have warned us of that. And 5 minutes after the race is over one can get the overall standings:

I would love to read a story about the design team and production crew that do the website for leTour – absolument remarquable!