
This afternoon’s free WordPress CSS Style Editors Meetup is so crammed with helpful info  on WordPressDesign and Styling we will have to take the Trevor Noah  Daily Show approach to Headline News by telling you just the most useful  styling tricks and tips to help ease and expedite your WordPress layouts and designs.  For example, we would like to tell you about the wealth of websites telling you about CSS and its pivotal role in Web Design and layout not just for WordPress but all your Web projects.  But we will quickly highlight some of the best design aids like the free W3Schools, CodePen, and CoDrops and then point out quick links to some  other CSS and design favorites.

Then we shall do the traditional “around the table” meetup gretings with each attendee telling us what they do in WordPress and what theyare looking for in this CSS tutorial.. The leading question will be “how do you use CSS in your current  web page design & styling ?”

The next part of the presenttion will look at some of the design and styling problems that attendees raised in the greet around. Now the rubber meets the road as three design approaches are used to solve attendees real world problems. Here is the  4 stage approach :
1 – Diagnose the current style environ to arrive at a more complete understanding of where you are at and want to go;
2 – Look to the four Free CSS Style Editors – free SiteOrigni CSS, premium CSS Hero, freemium Yellow Pencil, freemium Microthemer Lite to immediately resolve the design styling issue. Though CSS Style Editor may not work, the analysis the tools provide may lead to the eventual solution;
3 – Look to WYSIWYG PageBuilders like Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor, etc and their superb Design support systems to provide a viable workaround if not an complete solution;
4 – Okay, if you know the required CSS, we have methods to get that code into your WordPress site in a safe and secure fashion.

Finally, we we will emphasize how WordPress point and click, “no coding required” is under stress as CSS +HTML+Javascript snippets are creeping into more WordPress development tools. For example, we could show how dynamic mobile code variants now rely on knowing how to use small CSS code fields to achieve better mobile specific design effects, But again, we will avoid this rabbit hole and instead pointout  some tutorials that adress the issues involved. Note Zoom Link is

So the emphsis of the meetup will be on getting real World WordPress design problems addressed if not immediately solved And if  this review has been helpful,  buy me a cup of coffee  and help me slay the Meetup Inflating Costs Dragon.