
Google is up to its innovation tricks, proving once again that it is master of Web 2.0 Interface Innovations with Sidewiki – a post-a-comment on any Web page system [and its a Wiki no less].

Google once again is proving that it is taking Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, Twitter and the Web 2.0 horde seriously. Facebook delivers  Lite, Microsoft Bing and Twitter Tweets. So Google produces Google Finance Stock Screener, GoogleFlip, and Sidewiki all in the space of 2 months [and to say nothing of the Android OS for phones and Netbooks or ChromeOS]. All polished products and very novel in their Web 2.0 interface designs.

But all is not roses for Google. They have to set some Rules of the Road for “poster civility”  and have a special algorithm to decide whose comments appear on the top of the wiki [its not last entry first]. Their “Rule for Sidewiki Civility” appear to be straight forward and realistic; but I suspect that there will  be problems with:
a)links to competing websites and/or vendors. For example, some one could factually post a sidewiki comment on the Apple site saying that Dell [with link] offers a Windows 7 PC for 1/3 the price of say the MacBook. I don’t think Apple will like  or tolerate such “interference”;
b) “Keep it legal” provision. This may become a headache for Google – having to patrol/monitor Sidewiki.
c)Language problems – the need to support more than English will lead to a segregation of comments unless Google Translate becomes an attached widget that allows users to quickly choose to translate from say Freench to Chinese, etc.
d)comments about the comments – currently there is no way to comment on someone elses comments. this may be prudent as it douses out any chance of Health-care-like firestorms/flamings. But Google will miss an opportunity .
e)no ability to search Sidewiki for comments on a specific page – website vendors are going to demand this pronto; they are going to want to screen comments and interface with Google’s Sidewiki “Civility Cops”.
f)No apparent monetization – real estate in Sidewiki is at a premium – Google ads just don’t ring true.
Sidewiki has huge potential for usage;  but the big problem is no visible immediate monetization and the possible strife with major Website vendors. But on the uptick  Sidewiki is  proof that that Google is out Web 2.0-ing Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo and other big Web players – and its all in the superior  interface and design though Google had strong hints from some other smaller Web 2.0 start-ups/players.

Whats Right About Sidewiki

Website vendors may hate it; but Sidewiki’s ability to right shift any web page to make room for itself as an instant sidebar commentary source – BRILLIANT! Also the Sizing of the edit area is really quite smart – it forces writers to be brief – think Twitter Tweets in size; but you can go beyond a Tweet. Also the ability to post a Sidewiki post to Twitter, Facebook, or the Web is very fine as well. And users have a spell check built-in plus the ability to resize the width of the Sidewiki – and a simple menu system. The interface is pretty solid right out of the gate. However, the lack of an ability to search the Sidewiki posts – a surprising MIA for Google.


On one hand Sidewiki  will be a slam dunk in terms of Instant Popularity. But the on the other side of the ledger Website owners may be none too pleased. Think of it as big Poster Board right next to the entrance to your most valuable Web property. But you have no control whatsover over the content/comments etc. Like allowing someone to post a big comment on the White House or Microsoft’s Redmond Headquarters… expect many “refinements” to Sidewiki before it flies [take on monetization widgets]. It looks to be as controverserial as Google Books.