Two years after the 2018 introduction of  Gutenberg, the Plugins rating tells the story:
,Despite being the default Block Editor on a WordPress Install, Gutenberg can still barely scrape above 2 on 5 in the WordPress plugins ratings. Yet recent WPTavern reviews show some major strides in the improvement of Gutenberg and Block Editor offerings:

  1. Genesis Themes has embraced not just broad container blocks which Kadence pioneered but also is looking at Collections[think Templates]  to provide drag and drop complete page/post or section layouts which can be edited and moved/inserted enmasse in a Gutenberg edit session.  This fits into a broad site-wide-editing/building  strategy  similar to currently operational  Theme Builders offered by  Beaver Theme Builder, Elementor Pro, Divi, Thrive. [it is notable that these ThemeBuilders are at least 1 year ahead of the their Gutenberg Block counterparts and I have omitted Oxygen, Cornerstone, SiteOrigins, Visual Composer, etc offerings.]
  2. Justin Tadlock’s lament for the Block Editor’s under-utilized Navigation Tool underlines the advantage PageBuilder’s navigation tools like Elementor’s Navigation Popup or the Divi Toolbox;
  3. FullSite Editing coming to WordPress Core in release WP5.5.7 has spawned a whole set of Basic “bare-bones”Themes stripped of the styling options normally part of traditional themes. This use of “Artistic’, barebones themes has been used in Elementor’s Help Theme combined with the Elementor Theme Builder. Clearly as FSE-Full Site Editing [users can design and layout headers, footers, menus, widgets, sidebars – in fact all the component of WP ] emerges in WordPress Core starting with WP5.5.7 the nature and role of WordPress Themes will be changing. Perhaps like Elementor’s Hello Theme – speed, responsiveness,  and reliability will become the key features.
  4. Editor Plus 2.1  brings to Block Editors the Page Styling options and features that abound in current PageBuilders:   complete basic CSS, advanced typography, specialized Scripting and CSS  as seen animation and scrolling effects. Using Beaver, Divi, Elementor, Thrive and in fact most PageBuilders offer styling features that are just being added to Block Editor plugins .
  5. Block Based Themes supporting Full Site Editing is the latest trend in WordPress future development. The technology uses Block Editor  exclusively to build all of the Theme components as you create web pages. Frontity is 

State of Gutenberg Block Editors

This excellent review of three of the top Block Editor Plugins – Kadence, Qubely, & Stackable shows how well Block Styling is supported in them: