Most of the attention in the WordPress community  for the past five years has been about the effort to build a better WordPress frontend – a  Visual Editor using React JavaScript that becomes an integral part of the WordPress core and runs increasing portions of the WordPress “No Coding Knowledge Required” system.

But the Gutenberg Editor has remained deeply unpopular with a 2.0/5.0 WordPress plugin rating for  all 3 years since its introduction. It also raises contentious issues and mixed reviews on its current direction.

Meanwhile Backend developers have not been napping – they have   adopted the Point and Click  UI approach while sticking  with PHP, shortcodes, jQuery and their own JavaScript spices. Backend tool developers  have delivered ever more comprehensive backend packages. Thus, these tools are delivering better WordPress operational security and data protection; database management including backup, migration, and staging services; improved SEO-Search Engine Optimization that provides  public knowledge of a website’s presnce, mission  and services offered;  and enhancing messaging, mail and cross platform integration capaabilities.

In sum, the past 5 years has seen a welcome Bustout in Backend plugins and tools.

What is Driving  the Backend Bustout

3 factors are spurring backend growth. First, WordPress has become a huge business with  presnce on 4 Million++ websies. This means demand for expertise and premium software is growing into huge markets.

WordPress is steadily growing spurred on by “the state at home” pandemic protocols. Thus it is not a surprise to see  a number of mergers & acquisitions as WordPress companies jockey for better market positions.

But Backend vendors have taken a different approach. They are adding together composite features like WP-Optimize adding image compression and a wide range of caching techniques to its core database management and compression capabilities. Likewise, RankMath offers a complete package of 18 free basic SEO modules, including meta data management, auto XML Sitemap routines, Schema templates,  site analytics data, keyword and content analysis, etc.

This is the so-called Elementor Marketing Model – give away a substantial set of  free core features that will attract large numbers of users[6 million active users in the case of Elementor]. Then offer premium addons, support, and/or consulting, training/tutorial  services to finance the operation..  To this Marketing Model, Backend  vendors have added  functional GUI interfaces

The Backend GUI Strategy

Backend tools have  four substantial GUI needs in their processing tasks:

  1. Many feature settings assisted by GUI point and click choices and popup tips;
  2. Complex setup tasks documented with live in WorrdPress wizrds helping users to get started;
  3. Need to list tables of data as part of their basic workflow;
  4. Need to display status of Website in graphic dashbaords that summarize state and conditions;

Most of the backend vendors have bypassed the Gutenberg Block and PageBuilder contending GUI options, and have adopted a traditional GUI approach on their WordPress admin pages – HTML+CSS, jQuery driven with assistance from their own JavaScript spices:
Here is the multi-step RankMath start-up wizard. one of many GUI lists, option settings and dashboards used throughout the 18 free RankMath SEO modules.

This is the WP-Cerber dashboard listing operational activities. Again, just one of hundreds of Admin GUI displays used in Backend plugins. Significantly, almost all are jQuery based with  very few opting for Gutenberg blocks.

WordPress backend tools have gained a reputaion for being easy to use and performant. For example, Edge Computing and Headless WordPress are development options keying on good WordPress backed operations, So watch for meetups  exploring the theordPress backend Meetups.

Meetups in January featuring WordPress Backend tools

Here is the roster of free backend-otiented meetups at the Toronto WordPress Meetup Group
Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 6PM- WordPress Backend Bustout
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 6PM – WordPress Database Essentials
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 6PM –WordPress Database Frontend Display Techniques,

Enjoy ….but how did that last meetup leak into February?