Speed Wins: Why WordPress Adopted JavaScript

Why More of WordPress UI is written in JavaScript not PHP With the announcement of Calypso, a JavaScript based UI in November of 2015 and then the launch of the Gutenberg project in 2016 using React.js, WordPress Head Honcho Matt Mullenweg tripped off a lot of conjectures as to why the departures from WordPress’ primary […]
JavaScript Arriving in WordPress Stealthily

With Calypso and Gutenberg, clearly JavaScript is arriving onto WordPress in a big way. Here are seven reasons why: Gutenberg is not just the new Visual Editor but is the “official” WordPress PageBuilder; But Gutenberg goes beyond page building and is a complete Web canvas builder – header, content, footer, sidebar plus any popups and […]
WordPress JavaScript Reactions

WordPress Gutenberg and Calypso are back in the tech news now that CIC Matt Mullenweg has rejected React.js as the core JavaScript library for WordPress. The issue is the Patent Clause in Facebook’s licensing which is less than the Open Source Software’s adherence to unencumbered usage standards as in MIT’s license. So Matt felt compelled by some […]