Speed Wins: Why WordPress Adopted JavaScript

Why More of WordPress UI is written in JavaScript not PHP With the announcement of Calypso, a JavaScript based UI in November of 2015 and then the launch of the Gutenberg project in 2016 using React.js, WordPress Head Honcho Matt Mullenweg tripped off a lot of conjectures as to why the departures from WordPress’ primary […]
Mobirise JavaScript Website Developer

The last 4-5 years have seen the rise of open, free and popular CSS+HTML5+JS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation Zurb and Ink for creating mobile responsive apps for a variety of SPA-Single Page Applications to larger multi-page websites. It should not be a surprise that each of these free frameworks have generated a number of libraries […]
Web BandAids

Over the past 5 years the aids to using HTML5 and other key Web tools have accumulated rapidly. And the need for advice when and how to use features in Web tools has not abated. First there is the continuing rapid release of new features as mobiles and the IoT-Internet of Things bring new demands on […]
Scrolling Down Moves Up

In Website Design getting visitors past the fold line is as vital as getting on the first page in SEO. There are a variety of strategies for attracting users below the fold as described well in this posting. But one of the most popular is vertical scrolling. So now scrolling is becoming mainstream from sport sites […]
InK – Interface Kit: Responsive, Mobile JS Framework

In our sister publication, JavaScriptures, we have reviewed two JS Responsive/Mobile Frameworks – Bootstrap 3.2 and Foundation 5.3.2. And broadly, the reviews have been positive because both frameworks deliver 12 column grids which help to deliver responsive designs with sticky menus and a core of basic JavaScript UI components. Both Web designers and developers will […]
Marketwatch Converts Menu Layout

Bootstrap-like sticky menus which are also mobile responsive are gaining traction among major vendor websites. Coverage on our sister site, JavaScripture, has increased about savvy JS Mobile Responsive Frameworks The latest example of mobile responsive use is the Wall Street Journal’s satellite site, Marketwatch. This site has undergone a major menu layout shift in the […]
Gridly.js: Better Portfolio Layout Options

Grid or Portfolio UI layouts are thriving. Masonry.js already has been upgraded to Isotope.js with its powerful and responsive filtering and sorting functions. And there are a number of other grid layout Javascript tools appearing including the pulsating yet touch responsive gridaccordion.js and popup lightbox powered gridfolio.js. Grid image layouts in event , portfolio, gallery, and product […]
WordPress and JavaScript II

Getting JavaScript to work inside WordPress Pages and Posts can be a bit of tricky coding. The fundamental problem is that the WordPress Visual Editor prunes out any <SCRIPT> tags or inline JavaScript associated with events like onclick= or onmouseover= etc. Now developers can get around this by sticking religiously to using the HTML editor when […]
FancyBox 2- Versatile Media Display

In WordPress, Drupal and other Web tools there are a thousand and one JavaScript Lightbox routines. One of my favorites is FancyBox 2 because it features many different ways to popup images or html code blocks. Also FancyBox works well with various Splash page Layout routines like Masonry, Isotope, GridAccordion, and Salvattore. Finally, popular CMS […]
Masonry.js: Portfolio Layout

Masonry is a JavaScript routine that manages html code blocks and images on a Web page area giving them a neatly stacked portfolio layout. masonry works best when the width of the blocks are the same or multiples like 200px, 400px, 800px etc. The height of the blocks can vary but if it is too […]
CodePen Canvas Example
Here is another opportunity to show an online HTML/CSS/JavaScript environ in action – CodePen. In this case a Canvas example using the wirelib() library of 3D routines is highlighted: [iframe src=”http://codepen.io/jbsurveyer/pen/rKDkF” width=”100%” height=”550″] More about Wirelib can be found here.