Zedity: Killer Addon to WordPress Classic Editor

Gutenberg as upcoming replacement for the Classic Editor this Fall is forcing an issue for WordPress users from newbies to hard-in-the-trenches WP Pro Developers – what is the best WordPress editor for them to use? There are three main candidates. The tried and true Classic WordPress Editor known as TinyMCE with maybe some  addons to […]

Gutenberg Page Builder: A September UI Autopsy

Matt Mullenweg has written a detailed post on Gutenberg, the upcoming WordPress PageBuilder plugin. Within the post  is a critical commitment by Matt: WordPress has always been about websites, but it’s not just about websites. It’s about freedom, about possibility, and about carving out your own livelihood, whether it’s by making a living through your […]

Web PageBuilders Are Essential Tools

How PageBuilder Tools have become essential in web development The combination of no-coding-required UI/UX PageBuilding features plus comparative operational ease of use has made WordPress.org [but curiously not WordPress.com] the best Web design environment for a broad range of business and IT systems. As a result WordPress has risen to a  leading Market Share position […]