Speed Wins: Why WordPress Adopted JavaScript

Why More of WordPress UI is written in JavaScript not PHP With the announcement of Calypso, a JavaScript based UI in November of 2015 and then the launch of the Gutenberg project in 2016 using React.js, WordPress Head Honcho Matt Mullenweg tripped off a lot of conjectures as to why the departures from WordPress’ primary […]
Protected: The WordPress Role in the GDPR Rollout
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
CSI Best Member’s Website: A Tour-de-force Design for a WordPress Newby.

Creating a brand new website is a challenge even if you are using the most popular website development tool, WordPress [29.3% of the world’s websites are done in WordPress]. First, WordPress tools and features are developing rapidly – in a 2016 Podcast review we cited 41 essential WordPress plugins. Today 21 of those plugins have […]
SquareSpace vs WordPress : A Second Look

A review of SquareSpace vs WordPress in the WPMUDev blog raises the question of whether web development reviews are becoming as partisan as politics. Jenni McKinnon in writing 27 Reasons Why WordPress Crushes Squarespace Every Time has committed to print a yuge number of Trumpian fallacies which knocks the review way off balance. WordPress.com vs WordPress.org Distinction […]
Web PageBuilders Are Essential Tools

How PageBuilder Tools have become essential in web development The combination of no-coding-required UI/UX PageBuilding features plus comparative operational ease of use has made WordPress.org [but curiously not WordPress.com] the best Web design environment for a broad range of business and IT systems. As a result WordPress has risen to a leading Market Share position […]
WIDDE – WordPress Interactive Design/Development Environs

The Emergence of WPIDE-WordPress Interactive Design/Development Environs How WordPress UI Design Caught up with SquareSpace, Wix, Weebly, etc. As a WordPress developer for the past 8 years I have had to contend with the fact that WordPress UI tools have had to play catchup with the interactive, drag & drop and True WYSIWYG capabilities available from […]
Swifty Suite for WordPress SiteBuilding

Dutch software developers have been delivering some superb interactive, point and click website design environs. For example, Mobirise has a great and free JavaScript/Bootstrap 3 based Website Builder perfect for simple website applications – like a Design Portfolio, a Restaurant website, a Photo Gallery that works on mobiles, tablets, and desktops. Your editor looked at Mobirise […]
Novel WordPress Meetup in Toronto

The following is an example of one of the methods used to stay up with the rapid advancement of themes, plugins, and tools in the WordPress World. WordPress Demos & Tips + XMas Gift Free Plugin Meetup Wednesday, December 21, 2016 2:00 PM to 6:45 PM CSI Spadina 215 Spadina Ave. 4th Floor, Toronto, ON This Tips […]
Smart Slider 3: Best New Free WordPress Slider

For the past year I have been recommending Cyclone Slider 2 as the best free WordPress Slider. But that has changed with the free version of Smart Slider 3 contending for the top spot of free WordPress sliders. As we shall see the two sliders are evenly matched so slight differences in features, ease of use, and […]
Using Google Fonts in WordPress

The previous post describes the many advantages of using Google Fonts on your website. This post will look at some of the ways of using Google Fonts in WordPress. First, free access to Google fonts is straight forward. Just visit the Google Fonts website, choose one or more fonts and then get the code to access those fonts […]
WordPress Migration Tools

WordPress has good news and bad on WP Migration. WordPress has always had a good set of migration tools; particularly when importing or creating a brand newsite from scratch. This is the good news. But even in the case of imports users have to be cautious: WordPress Importer has 67 low 1-rating reviews and with reason. […]
WordPress Edit Annoyances

WordPress Editor has a number of annoyances. This is strange given that that a key strength of WordPress has been its Editor for ease of use and dual modes. Users for a long time have had a choice of working with the WYSIWYG Visual Editor or the HTML-based Text Editor. Many used both. But over the […]
Accessibility Camp 2015 in Toronto

Accessibility Camp 2015 at OCAD on Saturday October 17th turned out to be eye opening. Going in this reviewer was looking for Accessibility/Assistive software which could be applied for No vision and Low Vision computer users with emphasis on color blindness. There were many presentations about the subject so attendees got to see some great free apps […]
Discovered at WordCamp 2015 TO:Geo Mapping Tricks

At a WordCamp there is inevitably Lecture Regret – that is when you have to make a hard choice between 2 or 3 equally interesting and relevant talks. Jeremy Clarke’s Put a Map on it! appeared to be a lost opportunity. But Jeremy put his slides up on Slideshare.net promptly so some really useful tips […]
Discovered at WordCamp 2015 TO: WP-Optimize Plugin

During Jessica Gardners talk , WordPress Development for Non-Developers: An Introductory Tour Under the Hood, the discussion turned on how to clean the various database tables associated with a WordPress site. Mary Ann Shew, who had just delivered the lecture before, on Piecing Together the WordPress Puzzle, suggested the inevitable – there must be a […]
3 Upcoming WordPress Breakthroughs

WordPress has become the most popular CMS in the World – dominating its rivals with 23% marketshare for all websites in the World. In contrast, Joomla at 2% and Drupal at 2% are far behind. As seen in software and app development at Apple, Microsoft, and other vendors, the key to WP’s success is a very strong […]
The WordPress UI/UX Development Revolution

This website and its cohort have been underlining the rapid improvements in development tools and plugins available to WordPress Designers in their UI/UX tasks. These tools and plugins are individually accelerating WordPress Design and Development capabilities. But what we shall see is that they are also collectively revolutionizing WordPress Development because of their complimentary effects on […]
WordCamp 2014 – WordPress Visual Designers

WordPress has changed dramatically in the past 3-5 years. First, there is the opening up of the database to developers with custom fields, posts, pages,queries and taxonomies. This means that WordPress can now deliver any content desired. Second, and related to the swing to custom content is the adoption of sophisticated data integration beyond XMLRPC and its WP security […]
WordPress and JavaScript II

Getting JavaScript to work inside WordPress Pages and Posts can be a bit of tricky coding. The fundamental problem is that the WordPress Visual Editor prunes out any <SCRIPT> tags or inline JavaScript associated with events like onclick= or onmouseover= etc. Now developers can get around this by sticking religiously to using the HTML editor when […]
WordPress Inline JavaScript

Inline JavaScript is possible with WordPress. But users have to give up the WordPress Visual Editor inorder to insure that the onclick= or onmouseover= and other inline JavaScript code is not stripped away by the Visual Editor. So to take advantage of the WordPress auto loading of the jQuery library, users have to give up […]
Creating Lively Splash Pages in WordPress

Creating lively and attractive splash pages in WordPress is easier than ever to do. And the payoff is not only more visitors but also more satisfied ones because they get the info they need efficiently with easy navigation. So come to the second tutorial about Web development on Monday July 15th at the Quinte West […]
Sliders for the Houston Quilt Show

The Houston International Quilt Show presents a classic web design problem – many gorgeous images but of various sizes and orientations [about equal number of landscape and portrait shots]. Because the images are from various sources extensive captioning is also required particularly for the winning quilts. Finally, the quilting audience is quite broad so the […]