Normally Toronto WordPress Meetup Group has a monthly meeting designed to help fix any WordPress problems that attendees want to pose to the Meetup Organizers, Robin MacRae and Drew Mathers. But yesterday’s November 15th meetup featured a discussion of how to improve mobile performance  which lags the desktop speed for the same page.contents but different responsive layout.

Now this meetup topic coincided with a recent review done here at the TheOpenSourcery about WordPress AMP for Mobile Speed. This review looked at  the relative speed of desktop pages versus  the same design mobile page. The timings done showed mobile performance consistently slower by 2 to 4 times  using Google PageSpeed Insights tests.

What the review did establish  is that although in North America desktop usage of the Web, particularly for shopping, favored desktop connections over mobile by 50% to 46%  – that ratio is reversed elswhere in the World. So even for North American WordPress websites, improving your mobile speed is important if you have a ecommerce website. So want to find out all the latest news and methods to improve mobile performance – come on Tuesday Nov 22nd  at 6PM for  the free Zoom meetup,  Mobile Speed Presence.