
For the past half year I have secretly  held the notion that Windows 8 will be a  smashing hit. But the problem has been that my access to full multi-touch screen Windows 8 test machines has been limited. But not so for  multi-touchpad and touch mice equipped Windows 8 PCs which I, clients and many Windows 8  upgraders  have been able to use [see below the relative good news for Windows 8 upgraders]. But now I have read some accounts of the latest RTM of Windows 8 that confirms the conclusions reached with Windows 8 testing – Windows 8 works and delivers much of what  is very important  for users and despite the naggling relearning issues [ see David Pierce’s review in theVerge] . Even on the Enterprise side  Brian Egler at Network World sees a number of advantages for Windows 8. Thus I am becoming much more confident in saying that Windows 8 will be  smashing success.

Windows 8 being a smashing hit  is based on 5 critical factors:

1 -Touchscreen and Full Multitasking

Firsts and foremost, Apple’s Steve Job’s made fatal mistakes when he and Apple have failed to bring multi-touch screen operations to the Mac. And, for the sake of better heat management and battery life, multitasking has been severely curtailed in iOS. But these Apple holdbacks now mean advantage Microsoft if Redmond can exploit the Apple weaknesses.

And it appears Microsoft is working overtime to insure that it does trump Apple tablets and Mac OS.  Microsoft is bringing touchscreen and full multitasking  not only to its own Surface machine but is  encouraging all ultrabooks,  laptops and desktops to support multi-touch screen operations.  Also Windows 8 manages multi-tasking but does not restrict access to it as in iOS. So now with fingers, pens and stylus, Windows 8 users will get to see  if Steve Jobs warnings of tired arms will deter user from achieving higher productivity with full screen multi-touch . I have used a Wacom Cintiq which is a full touchscreen input tablet with stylus that cost more than the Mac or PC  it is used with. But the Wacom powered computer, when used with Adobe Photoshop and other graphics intensive software, makes one 2-3 times more productive. Photo-edits that took 6 hours to do are done in 1-2 hours.

What is being discounted by too many Windows 8 reviewers is how much more productive full touchscreen operations can be. And not just graphics programs but any program with a full screen interface like Project Management, Spreadsheets, BI charts+reports, full screen programming interface like Eclipse, Dreamweaver, JetBrains, and hundreds of others software productivity tools.

Now keyboard and mice equivalents to touchscreen operations plus  multi-touch pads, and touch smart mice are available and make Windows 8  comfortable and productive. But don’t look to the same productivity increases possible with full touchscreen support. So a warning to Fall PC buyers, PC vendors  are  just now offering Ultrabooks with thin size, light weight and much longer battery life of 5 to 8 hours. But none of them offer touchscreen operations and many do not have  multi-touch pads nor touch-smart mice.  DON’T BUY THEM. They are all missing what will be the essential winning feature  for all future computing devices not just Windows 8 – multi-touch screen operations.

2 – Keyboard,Mouse, Stylus or Fingers: In Windows 8 You Get to  Choose

There is a good write up at Microsoft of the trade-offs among input devices – mouse, keyboard, pen/stylus, and fingers. What becomes clear is that there is no dominant input method – some work better than others in different circumstances. For example, fingers gestures are fasterand more intuitive  but like the x+y position precision of other devices. Brian Egler’s review also catches this notion. Windows 8 is the first consumer OS that recognizes this reality and lets users mix and match and ultimately decide what works best for them given changing computing tasks and circumstances. Android and iOS in the tablet space give a much more closed set of options. Android tablets are now offering more stylus options and some keyboards and trackpad/mouse support as vendors like  Asus [see Transformer products] and Samsung [see Samsung Note] provide these capabilities.

Meanwhile, iOS and iPad bring up the rear – Apple users have to live with Apple’s almost elitist dictates for what is best for you – and a keyboard+mouse on iPad is almost an after thought. In contrast, Microsoft is providing in Windows 8 a number of key+mouse equivalents for touchscreen operation and robust pen/stylus support along with  broad support for multi-touch operations. For graphically savvy users this flexibility in pen input has got  to be a compelling.

3 – Microsoft’s True Innovations

Live icons will be standard on all OS within 2 year

One has to give Redmond credit for 2 UI innovations that have  come to the fore in Windows 8. First the Start Screen and Charms change the role of icons. Icons in Windows 8 can be just as dead as in Android and iOS – just stark, mute markers for various apps and programs. Or they can be capsule summaries for why you might want to start up your email, Project Management program, or BI app. Icons can carry nuggets of info that say “everything is A-OK” or “better handle this right away” right on your start screen. Businesses, already used to dashboards  or portfolio screens, are going to love this. So will consumers too.

The second innovation is that Windows 8 will continue the MS pioneered multi-screen operations. Now Windows Phones and Tablets can become live and connected participants on Windows 8 screens[hence the Skype investment]. Yes, everybody is moving toward this. But  it appears that Windows 8, coming from behind, will have the mostest. The Windows Phone 8 event on September 5th  will tell users a lot more on how much more.

4-The Huge Windows Inventory of  Desktop Programs All Become  Instantly Touch Enabled

Not so for Mac [pointing through a touchpad is just not the same]. Can you imagine such diverse programs as IBM/Cognos Reports, AutoCAD Designer, Quicken Accounts,  Adobe Photoshop and Iluustrator, Quark Express, and any program that is drag and drop or visually rich. Bang – on October 26th they become multi-touch screen enabled.

5 – One OS to Bind Them All

Both Google and Apple have made the assumption, that in mobile OS there has to be two OS. Google is committed to ChromeOS for laptops and desktops while Android is the mobile OS. Of  late,  Android which is Linux based, is taking on more tablet and notebook capabilities while ChromeOS has yet to take-off as a  browser based OS. Part of this may be because of the lack of a robust set of 3rd party Apps and still developing  offline operations. Apple has made a clear iMaginot line – Mac for desktop and laptops and iOS in iPod/iPad/iPhone for mobile consumer apps.

But already with Samaung Galaxy S III huge screen are available for smartphones. Ditto tablets. In effect, the artificial distinction between mobile and laptop is largely being erased by rapid technology development. So what required specialized OS has been negated by faster, multicore low power CPU chips, ever bigger touchscreens, and low-power using  and more secure SSD hard drives. In 5 years time, iOS will be a part of MacOS [or vice versa] or Apple will be hurting.

Second, Microsoft has devoted a great deal of effort to  being able to tie together hardware in seamless plug and play functionality for the new tablets, laptops/ultrabooks and desktops. Multiple screens driven from an Microsoft Surface tablet is readily doable. Hanging on a keyboard or a USB 3 powered device  or a TV Scren is also  plug and play. Same for taking away parts.  True there will islands of  functionality that may attract a specialized OS as in gaming systems, or appliance controllers,or  server systems. But even  Microsoft Server 2012 will have the Windows 8 UI.

Microsoft is determined to prevent Android and iOS from becoming the permanent smartphone, tablet and consumer client OS of choice. By linking up the Windows Treasury of Desktop Programs re-invigorated with touch screen operations, Redmond hopes to stave off   Apple and Google from stealing away “their” client/consumer   OS market. Hence the pricing of the Microsoft Surface RT for $299- Redmond is determined to get a big beachhead into the tablet space. But this tablet way better than iPad and most Android tablets in features and functionality. while conceding a huge  Apps to Apple and Google. Will a $299 price for keyboard and mouse equipped tablet win the day?

Where Microsoft  Could Still Shank Things

First and foremost, the “Ultrabooks  without Touchscreen operations” sends the wrong message  just before the Windows 8 launch. No wonder Microsoft, like Google before it in both smartphones and tablets, has felt compelled with its Surface machine to set a hardware standard for its suppliers. But really, 3 quicklines say where things can go wrong  for Redmond:

1)Windows Vista and some Nile-like scourge of bugs. But tests on the final Win8 RTM for installation  and performance are very positive.
2)Desktop is not treated as a first class part of Windows 8. The programming of Metro and Desktop are not well linked.
3)Crazy quilt product SKUs and pricing.

The learning Curve for Windows 8 is not small and I have yet to find a really good User Guide to 8 for Windows 7  Users. Techradar has one of the best comparisons of Win 7 vs Win 8 seen so far [still it is episodic and confusing at times]; soMicrosoft itself will have step up and do a bang up job for prospective upgraders [see here why Redmond will have to address the learning curve]. And there will be lots of upgraders because even without touchscreen operations, the ease of installation, greater security, better  performance, live dashboard, cloud connections and proxy touchscreen operations are very compelling. See ZDnet article which confirms many of these ideas.

Unfortunately for Redmond it looks like number 3) is already baked in. But consider the larger view. It appears Microsoft has delivered a stable and easy to install Windows twice in a row. Yes,  Microsoft is indeed playing catchup on tablets and smartphones- especially in native apps. But Windows 8 steps ahead of Apple and Google in key areas: faster performance,  any UI interaction; plug , unplug, and still play hardware approach; and bringing full multi-touch screen operations to literally millions of desktop apps while adding dashboard convenience to  a Smart Start  Screen – all this has the makings of a smash hit come this Fall.