
wpeditnew has added a new editor and its is very nice. The side bar is much smoother and more convenient to use. The response time is still crisp and the old familiar editor is ready on standby if you have problems. And I did.

This user could not get the editor to publish properly. That may have been due to the fact that I changed the schedule of the publish date of the post. Since I am testing the WordPress 4.0 beta I also was expecting to see this improved editor passed on to the senior version of WordPress. Unfortunately, not so.

As well the new editor does not solve the problem of using fullscreen edit mode in WordPress. The problem is that in fullscreen mode the editor’s menu stays glued to the top. So if you have any reasonable size post or page, the edit menus disappear off the screen:
Given the Bootstrap-like look of the new editor, this would appear to be simple to implement.

In sum, this WP user was encouraged to see the new look for the editor. It is easy to navigate and fast in performance –  now  all Automatic has to do is to clean up any save conflicts and make fullscreen edit menus sticky.