The patch for 10 critical IE errors took 20 minutes to download on a DSL WIFI connection (free) at the Port Hope ON public library. Applying the patches got a little screwy (read several hours) because I had not done all the Windows updates required. But I need IE to test my software – so soldier on.
Now I am telling you this underneath an image of the Opera 9 beta because it took less than 4 minutes to download, install and start to explore Opera 9. Let me tell you it is fast Fast and FAST. But even more fascinating is that it supports a bunch of Opera Widgets that are built on AJAX technology. Thats what may be of greater interest in the long term…ohh and its a much better browser than IE7 RC2 which I am also testing. More on all this later. But now is the time to switch from IE before it a)eats you up with some damnable security disaster/virus/bug-powered exploit or b)takes up an 5 months of other half day or so of your time for further bug fixes for the or c)it requires you to come up to speed with IE7 – yes another simple=radical change we thought would be best for you from Microsoft. The Move is 1 Microsoft Away.

(c)JBSurveyer 2006