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Related posts: Gutenberg: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Gallery Tests Elementor Discovered at WordCamp 2015 TO: Content Modeling HTML5 DevTools: Aptana Studio 3 ...
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Looking into Perplexity Pro for Better Search Answers, the Better Answers Engine, is cursed with a name that Thesaurus links to puzzlement, abstruseness, inscrutability, and brain twisters. Yes, this reviewer is an ...
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A Google Software Miss

A Google Software Miss 5 years ago would be hard to ponder with its world-leading search engine, pioneering work in website analytics and performance tuning ...
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Three WordPress Admin Area Plugins

Have you ever said to yourself “I have got to cleanup the WordPress Admin area and menus and then did nothing? Well here are 3 ...
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Web Development: The Move to Making Connections

Work on Messaging Protocols by DARPA set the stage for the Internet in the early 1990s Internet Protocol Suite Application layer BGP – DHCP (v6) – ...
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WebBuilders Challenge: Coping with Web Change

Website Builders and CMSs have merged in the past 3 years as backend + cloud services have melded the two small business web creation tools. ...
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AI Writing Tools – Aint Going To Change My Style

AI Writing and Music tools have an early and deep presence in savvy AI usage. And as a  Yoast user in WordPress and Grammerly with ...
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What Is Google Searching For?

For the past year, Google Search has been under self-induced duress and now serious Chatbot direct competitive threats. The self-induced trauma comes from so many ...
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Cookies Required in WordPress

How often have you as a WordPress User gotten this demand in any browser – Chrome, Firefox, Opera? Too often or hardly at all? My ...
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WordPress Media Roadmap

While working on a review of WordPress Photo Editors at the a number of WordPress Media Library questions arose for which immediate answers were ...
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Benchmarking Breakdance, Bricks Builder and Oxygen Builder

It is  interesting times in WordPress Frontend Development as UI vendors contend for developer loyalty by offering new Layout frameworks [Flexbox, CSS Grid, 3D Float, ...
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Why CSS Is So Busy

Inherently CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, do not have to be busy or complex. Classic CSS 1 & 2 commands like color, margin, text-size, and others ...
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Whipping up your own free WordPress Site

There are the many reasons for Whipping up a WordPress Website. Because a free, full-service website can can meet immediate needs: 1 -Temporary testing site ...
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WordPress ThemeBuilders Under Stress

Our blog recently posted WordPress Under Duress, a report underlining multiple signs of pressure impacting WordPress. The WP Tavern Posting acknowledged several signs of stress. ...
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Toronto WordPress Group Mobile Performance Meetup

Normally Toronto WordPress Meetup Group has a monthly meeting designed to help fix any WordPress problems that attendees want to pose to the Meetup Organizers, ...
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WordPress AMP for Mobile Speed

AMP-Accelerated Mobile Pages is mobile page speed up technology pioneered by Google. Web & WordPress users have had to come to grips with major mobile ...
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Measuring Website Speed – State of the Art

Performance tuning of WordPess sites is currently in the best of times and the worst times. Best of times because there is a consensus  about ...
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WordPress Speed Matters – A Free Meetup

TuesdayNov 8th   2022 evening at 6PM is the date for a free and very informative Zoom meetup about the  latest trends in WordPress Performance Tuning. ...
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More Elementor Duress

Having already done a review of Elementor Under Duress just 2 months ago, it hardly seemed timely  to do  another More Elementor Duress. But having ...
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The Elementor Briefing

Elementor is such a pivotal player in WordPress Development starting with its 11 million actives users and the popularity of its namesake PageBuilder now become ...
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WordPress WebPage Performance Tuning

WebPage Performance Tuning WordPress Performance Tuning is like WordPress SEO, an anointed discipline akin to Alchemy – complex practices subject to many sub-disciplines. As a ...
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Responsive WordPress Tables

Responsive WordPress Table Plugins [wptm id=2] Related posts: InK – Interface Kit: Responsive, Mobile JS Framework Putting W3CSS into Your WordPress Pages 3 WordPress Visual ...
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Gallery Tests Elementor

Elementor Pro Justified Gallery All New Gallery Masonry UAE Elementor Add-on Gallery These Elementor gallery widgets are very competitive with top Galley plugins like FooGallery ...
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Mobile WordPress Trends Meetup

Mobile WordPress Development often  gets the short end of the analytics stick. Fortunately, Hootsuite publishes annual reports on the state of the Web World which ...
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