
Steve Jobs said today  the launch of the iPad 2 along with latest iPhone 4 and iTouch developments signals the full flowering of the post-PC era. Notably the idea of post-PC era was made by Steve  at the beginning and emphasized again at the end of the presentation. And there is solid substance to the post-PC idea in the comparison tables below and the emergence of a client-based Computing Divide.

However, Steve scoffed at the idea of this being the year of the tablet because so many competitors to the iPad had emerged in the market. Instead Steve offered his thinner, lighter, faster and more feature rich iPad 2 as the torch bearer for tablets. And as you can see in the specs table, Apple has garnered some of the green  “best in tablets” ratings. But Apple has left a lot of room to maneuver for Apples competitors especially in the RAM, camera and sensor  features. And Apple continues to  give away Flash/Java  support as software advantage to  competitors.

iPad2 is not a knock blow although Apple is certainly trying to deliver one. The price for the updated iPad2  is  staying the same. There are lots of new neato software [GarageBand is a favorite].Aand there is again a huge iPad app lead over Android Honeycomb, webOS, and RIM.   But the sharpest jab may be the early delivery to market in the US on March 11th and many markets worldwide on March 25th. Now all the tablet  pretenders but Motorola will have to stand and deliver.

Feature Apple iPad HP TouchPad Motorola Xoom Apple  iPad 2 RIM Playbook
Price [32GB+3G+WiFi] $729 $600 $800 $729 $600
Screen Size 9.7″ –
1024 x7 68
9.7″ –
1024 x7 68
10.1″ –
1280 x 800
9.7″ –
1024 x768
7″ –
1024 x 600
Screen Resolution 132 DPI 150 DPI 132DPI 170 DPI
Camera Front/Back NA/NA 1.3MP/NA 2MP/5MP 0.3MP/2MP 3MP/5MP
Video Records/Plays NA/720p 720P/1080p 480+720p/1080p 1080p/1080p
Speaker/Mike Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes
1Core A4
1.2GHz – 2 core
2Core Tegra 2
2Core A5
2Core Tegra 2
RAM 256MB 1GB 1GB 256MB? 1GB
Max Store internal/external 64GB/NA 32GB/NA 32GB/32GB 64GB/NA 64GB/NA
Size 13 x 190 x 243 14 x 190 x 242 13 x 168 x 249 9 x 190 x 243 10 x 130 x 193
Weight 730gms 750gms 730gms 590gms 400gms
Battery Life 10 hrs ?? 10hrs 10hrs 10hrs
Dock  Keyboard/Recharge Yes/Yes $70 ?? Many/Many Yes/Yes $70 Yes/Yes ??
OS – Operating System and Apps
OS iOS4.2 webOS 3.0 Android 3.0 iOS4.3 QNX OS
OS Apps/Tablet Apps 300k/65k 10k/10k 200k/1k 300k/65k 4,000
Flash/Java Support No/No Yes/Yes Yes/Yes No/No Yes/Yes
Full multitasking Not yet Yes Yes Not Yet Yes
Turn by Turn Navigation NA Yes Yes Yes NA
Video Chat NA Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sensory Devices
Accelerometer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gyroscope No Yes Yes Yes No
Compass Yes ?? Yes Yes No
Proximity Sensor No ?? Yes No Yes
PhotoSensitive Yes ?? Yes Yes Yes
Barometer No ?? Yes No No
Still+Video Camera Features
Camera Front/Back NA/NA 1.3MP/NA 2MP/5MP 0.3MP/2MP 3MP/5MP
Video Records/Plays NA/720p ??/?? 720P/1080p 720P/720p 1080p/1080p
LED Flash NA ?? Yes Yes NA
AutoFocus NA ?? Yes Yes Yes
Image Stabilization NA ?? Yes Yes Yes
Geo-tagging NA ?? Yes Yes Yes
Communication, networking, and connectivity
3G/4G Yes/No Yes/?? Yes/Yes update Yes/No Yes/Yes
WiFi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
HotSpot No ?? Yes, 5 devices No No
DLNA No ?? Yes No No
GPS/BlueTooth Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes/Yes Yes Yes
HDMI No ?? Yes Yes Yes
USB/SD Ports Proprietary/No Yes/No Yes/No Proprietary/No Yes/??
Features Apple iPad HP  TouchPad Motorola Xoom Apple iPad 2 RIM Playbook
Color rating system: lowest rating uncertain rating highest rating

Sources of Information
AppleApple iPad specs, iPad2 specs, iPad speculation,  myCellphoneMyTerms
HP TouchPadEngadget PreviewPhoneArena, Know Your Mobile
Motorola XoomDroid-life on Xoom,  myCellphoneMyTerms, Phonearena on XoomSkatterTech on Tablets
R IM PlaybookComputerworld on Playbook, Skattertech on Tablets, Digital Trends