Figma is a tool for Web Design that vies with Balsamiq and Sketch except that it is an online tool. Think of Figma like Pixlr is for PhotoShop – an online tool that gives you the 80-20 rule of features for Web Desig/Layout while being conveniently available online. Here is the intro chat from Figma when you signup [currently still free]. It is full of useful references for working with Figma.
And here is the the interface that Figma presents after a quick guided tour of the interface elements:
As you can see Figma works in the Microsoft Edge browser though they provide a warning note saying the program works best in Chrome or Firefox. Even better , Figma runs on Macs and and imports Sketch files. And like Pixlr imitates Photoshop, Figma imitates a number of Sketch features & functions.