Figma is a  tool for Web Design that vies with Balsamiq and Sketch except that it is an online tool. Think of Figma like Pixlr is for PhotoShop – an online tool that gives you the 80-20 rule of features  for Web Desig/Layout while being conveniently available online. Here is the intro chat from Figma when you signup [currently still free]. It is full of useful references for working with Figma.

Hey Jacques,
Thanks for checking out Figma! If you have any questions or feedback along the way, let me know. I’m happy to help.
In addition to our Help page, check out our Facebook community where you can also post questions, thoughts, ideas, and have conversations with other Figma users.
We also have some new tutorials on our YouTube page, including this Getting Started video.
Take care, Jason

And here is the the interface that Figma presents after a quick guided tour of the interface elements:
As you can see Figma works in the Microsoft Edge browser though they provide a warning note saying the program works best in Chrome or Firefox. Even better , Figma runs on Macs and and imports Sketch files. And like Pixlr imitates Photoshop, Figma imitates a number of  Sketch features & functions.