Sitegrinder is a Photoshop plugin
– not an ordinary photo-effects oriented plugin; but rather a Web Development tool. SiteGrinder allows graphic artist to layout the design for a website page (or pages) in Adobe’s Photoshop. Using the extensive Layer and Layer Comp facilities in Photoshop one can add sophisticated buttons, links, page transitions, galleries, and scrolling text to a website design. Then just let Sitegrinder churn out the code for you.

And what is interesting, the code is primarily JavaScript+HTML. To be sure, the slide show , image galleries and forms in the Pro version of Sitegrinder can use Flash .swfs – but this is really an AJAX app producer. Sitegrinder ideas and some of its features also appear to be part of the Flash Catalyst set of capabilities. But I would say that SiteGrinder has a distinct and wide lead on the Flash Catalyst reviewed here.

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