
Last weekend we featured shots from the fabulous pyrotechics put on by Groupe F at Torontos Nathan Phillips Square. This week we may have a class act, Close Act Malaya from Holland , that tops that show – no small feat.
Close Act
What makes Close Act compelling is that the show is brought right to the audience – its like a Space Opera with players on stilts speaking, singing, and acting in some strange rabid language their mythic tale of battles and recovery. We are treated to medieval wheeled and revolving contraptions, incense, flames, and passions carried aloft on a great yellow balloon – and all of this tale-telling weaves in and out of the crowd gathered to witness the story as stilted combatants, then lovers, then strutting walkers and winged fairies contend for attention among themselves and the audience.

See the for some more of the action. And trust us – its magical. If Close Act Malaya comes to your city – do not miss out!

(c)JBSurveyer 2005