The Next Wave of NUI – Natural User Interfaces
New Devices+UI Software that change the UI game decisively are starting to come to market. They are referred to as Natural User Interfaces or PostWIMP – succeeding GUI interfaces that use WIMP- Windows Icons Menus and Pointers. There is a whole community of different Natural User Interface designs from Tangible UI that have inspired the Microsoft […]
Windows 8 Goes Bipolar
Personal Computing is forking between a Consumer Computing UI and a Busines or Operational+Creative Computing UI. The new trend has been called the Post PC era and the description of two separate and distinct UIs for Computing could not be more appropriate. Now some will argue that PC UIs have already split. For example, the Web […]
The Bizarre Browser Bazaar
Browser Bazaar, Browser Bizarre, Browser Bazaar – one can hear the hawker touting full-lunged at the amazing and bizarre things happening in the browser marketplace in the past few weeks. Surprise, surprise it is Chrome not Firefox that displaces IE as the number one browser in use Worldwide on the Internet. But Firefox contributed mightily […]
Windows 8 Touch Tensions
This post explores in details some of the Windows 8 Development Tensions. As with any massively new system, tensions inevitably develop as new features are enabled and some older APIs and programming libraries are deprecated and even abandoned.This is particularly true in the case of Windows because for well over a decade the Windows goal has […]
DBMS Directions
There is a whole class of new database development that refines the classic Relational database models. Think NoSQL and NewSQL. Here is a paper by Daniel Abadi who is responsible for some of the better NoSQL implementations and has influenced the NewSQL directions. This is a greater starter reference on what is currently happening in database development […]
Seeking A Robust JavaScript UI Framework
For many developers, the decision on choosinga a JavaScript framework is tough. There are many good ones from Dojo thru DHTMLx to jQuery and MooTools among the many UI based JS frameworks plus backbone.js and qooxdoo on the MVC side. So to filter the large set of choices, the following criteria are proposed: 1)support for […]
Google Blogger vs
In the past few years two Blog providers have emerged as the best free Website creation tools – Google Blogger and Note That I say Website because the page, widget, theme and menu features of these two tools added to the blogging features allow one to create more than a blog but a full web […]
Project Management – the SaaS Natural
I have always wondered why with its CRM system has been the pioneer in SaaS applications. Yes there is the need to communicate in a mobile fashion among all members of a scattered marketing team. Yes, SaleForce has great mail and messaging capabilities. essential for marketing collaboration. Yes, tieing things together with SalesForce AppXchange […]
Two Superb Free Stanford Univ. Courses – DEADLINE TODAY
This is the first of two excellent free online Stanford University courses whose registration expires March 18th 2012. Design and Analysis of Algorithms looks at how to approach the many solution and coding data stuctures used in modern search, storage and database operations. Prof. Roughgarden has a clear and well measured approach to the problem […]
Apple’s new iPad 3 in Business: Wins and Losses
On First Glance Not Much Different from iPad 2 You are not supposed to call it the iPad 3, rather the Resolutionary new iPad. The new iPad specs show that it has the same dimensions, weight, battery life of the previous iPads. The winning feature is the fabled retina screen, 2048 x 1526 pixels on 9.7 inch […]
JSFiddle: JavaScript Test and Demo Environ
In our review of the top ten books on jQuery, I recommended JavaScript and its jQuery pages as the place to go for testing out the code you find in the various book pages. However, there is another and perhaps better option for testing and demoing your JavaScript framework code -JSFiddle. JSFiddle provides the […]
The Better jQuery Bookshelf
jQuery deserves its reputation for being a breakthrough JavaScript framework for 4 reasons. First, it is open source in every incarnation which has accelerated its use and adoption even by major software vendors like Adobe, WordPress and even Microsoft. Second, it is the APL of JavaScript. jQuery’s selector function create a shorthand for finding all the objecrts […]
The Plus PC World: Client Computing Directions
The Technology pundits have it all wrong – calling for a Post PC World. Over on Reddit, we are having a small debate on the Post PC World versus the Plus PC World. The Post PC World see the decline of the PC as they are replaced by smartphones, tablets, games and other mobile devices […]
The Blog Becomes The OpenSourcery Home Page
Reality is being reflected: The Blog KeepOpen is now the Site’s Home Page The old website start page is here and can also be accessed from Old Website menu item. All web pages are untouched and intact. You should be able to access them with their existing URLs with no problems. However, making this move […]
I Just Signed up for the Free Online MIT Electronic Circuits Course and You Can Too
Here is the course I am taking: 6.002x (Circuits and Electronics) is an experimental on-line adaptation of MIT’s first undergraduate analog design course: 6.002. This course will run, free of charge, for students worldwide from March 5, 2012 through June 8, 2012. You too can signup for the course here. Here are the Requirements In […]
Best Smartphone Comparison Data
There are two places that I go for phone comparison data: PhoneArena It is fairly simple to setup the comparison – and the review ratings are often bang on. GSMArena goes tellingly further, offering just great camera comparisons like the following: Note the camera comparison is truly robust – click on the Gray Chart tab on the bottom of […]
2 Strange New Graphics Programs
Google is selling SketchUp Pro for $495 – Why? The program, SketchUp Pro is not strange – its a architecture and landscape design program which appears to have not only a nice range of features but also integrates well with AutoDesk DWG and other CAD files. No the novelty here is that Google is doing […]
Programming Language Popularity Measured by Social Media
Red Monk has a superb chart measuring Programming Language Populairity. This post is definitely worth seeing. Stephen O’Grady is following the changes in programming language popularity by watching It compares and contrasts the rankings of programming languages on GitHub[measure by no of Git projects] and Stack Overflow [measured by the number of queries on the language […]
The Importance of the Windows 8 beta on Feb 29th
Here is framed the invite at Barcelona’s Mobile World Conference Windows 8 beta is important for Microsoft. Judging by what Microsoft is doing under Steven Sinofsky, this is a bet the farm edition of Windows. And if you see some of the details at the Windows 8 blog, Redmond keep doubling down on its feature […]
What is Missing in Apples iBook Author? Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash. iBook Author got a lot of fan fair on its intro with many trial software runs. The video below shows iBook Author in action: Steve Jobs Unfair Rant on Flash Steve Jobs has had a well deserved legacy of continuing top rank innovation. But Steve also had a darkside. He believed he could […]
Apples Educational Annoucement in NYC:Update
There is a 2 in 5 chance of this. If CEO Time Cook does not do the announcement at today’s conference then the odds plummet down to 1 in 100. But it would be a brilliant “one more thing”, certainly fit the educational move Apple is making and gain for Tim Cook a large measure […]
Year Ahead in Client Computing I
Robert Scoble said this at the BBC Year-end Technology Forecast about client computing: On the train here I was with an executive from General Electric, and he said a year ago they were very anti-iPad. But in January at their global meeting they’re going to hand out iPads. It is crazy to think about a company […]
Adobe’s New Mobile Apps
Adobe has had to make some wrenching decisions of late. It has chosen to abandon its Flash player technology on Mobiles. It has also closed down it Flex development by releasing Flex to Open Source much like HP did for webOS. Adobe appears to be trying to see if they can get freebie development and […]
Goofle Gmail Fixes
Goofle is the name ye Editor has given to Google when it makes a big, stupid error in it software offerings. Google has made a big deal of its recent interface updates to Gmail. But they have have been legion with goofs very large and unnecessary and raise the question where is interface guru MM […]
Mozilla and Opera: Signs of Open Source Problems
ZDNet is running a series of much too early obituary articles for Firefox and Mozilla – and by implication, Opera. Ed Bott sees the money supply running out because a search sharing deal with Google [80%+ of Mozilla’s revenues] has run out and the negotiations have not produced a new accord. Steven Vaughn-Nichols picks up […]
Dart for JavaScript
[iframe width=”100%” height=”600″ src=””] With Flash and Flex taking big hits as Adobe appears to be bowing under the pressure from Apple and Microsoft , getting to know Google’s Dart is going to be more important. Why? Because HTML5 is going to becarrying the load for not just Webbut also cross platform applications now that […]
Adobe AIR Baby Flies Out with the Flash Bath Water?
If you had any doubts, Adobe is clearly abandoning Flash with the annoucments of the discontinuance of Flash development on Mobile OS plus the new declaration of the outsourcing of Flex, the Flash Enterprise Development tool, to the Apache Foundation. These actions should dispel any misconceptions. True, Apache is a major enterprise Open Source provider […]
HTML5 Insights: Fall 2011
Infoworld has a good overview of HTML5 from earlier this year. See here [ and for real insight compare it to an InfoWorld Html5 Deep Dive report from a year earlier]. Combined with HTML5test this is a great combo for finding out a)what is important in HTML5, b)who is implementing what among the many sections […]
Adobe Abandons Flash!
Okay Adobe only abandons Flash on Mobile OS – iOS, Android and Playbook. Adobe will continue to develop Flash on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Here is the crux of the announcement: Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all […]
Google Gmail Goofle
About Gmail’s new look did you know that Google had $2.8 billion dollars to spend on improving Gmail last quarter for its new look released November 7th.. About Gmail’s new look, for the first time ever, ye Editor finds himself saying that it looks like the new look is an old Microsoft ploy – dazzle them with […]
Whither Goes PC OEMs
Tim Bajarin has been an astute observer of the PC and Server scenes. His comments at TechOpinion imply that Windows 8 is gaining momentum on PCs and tablets especially among large PC OEMs like HP. No argument there because the PC OEMs, who have lost market to the tablets and smartphones because users who want […]
Who Said C++ Is Horrible
I just ran across a posting on Reddit which certainly caught my attention because it discuses the merits of C versus C++. It also revealing about a major player in software development: On Wed, 5 Sep 2007, Dmitry Kakurin wrote: > > When I first looked at Git source code two things struck me as […]
Apple iPhone 4S versus Samsung Nexus Galaxy – Xmas Battle
This Christmas there will be a war between Apple’s iOS5 powered iPhone 4S versus the Andorid 4 powered Samsung Galaxy Nexus. This will be the second major challenge to Apple CEO Tim Cook as iPad gets challenged in tablets by low price Kindle Fire and the Tegra-powered Tranformer Prime. These challenges are real because of […]
As Internet Explorer Dwindles
In a searching article, Ars Technica describes the state of the browser market and the withering away of Internet Explorer. After 12 years in which which IE reached an apex at 95% browser market share in 2004, IE crossed the line on October 2011 at less than 50% overall [desktop+mobile]market share according ArsTechnica. However, if […]
The Dockable Tablet Great Reveal
On November 9th, Asus will release its latest dockable tablet, the Asus Transformer Prime onto the market with Tegra3 processor and a host of other goodies[see here for detailed specs]. Transformer Prime will be running Android Honeycomb, not the latest Andoid 4 Ice Cream Sandwich. Also given the pricing of the Amazon Kindle Fire at […]
HP Gets Back into Tablets and PCs
HP has announced that it will be back in the PC and Microsoft saddle again. It will be delivering a Windows 8 tablet according to yet another new CEO, Meg Whitman. But this was a necessary but not sufficient condition for HP’s survival. Abandoning the PC and tablet businesses was a disastrous decision. HP like Microsoft has to be […]
Sencha HTML5 Animator
Because of its HTML5 output, Ye Editor has been following Adobe’s HTML5 Animation tool, Edge, with two looks at the evolving preview edition. So it was a surprise when Sencha appeared in Mid-September with the first completed HTML5 based tool called Sencha Animator: The Sencha IDE for Animator At first glance Sencha Animator appears to be an Adobe […]
Steve Jobs: Saint and Sinner
God knows Steve Jobs was prolifically inventive. Millions of users can thank Steve for changing PCs with the first fullscreen GUI interface when Steve took Xerox Parc’s Alto and showed it could not only work but be spectacularly successful on a consumer PC. This happened first with Lisa and then a Mac. Millions […]
Apple Clones Amazon Tactics
Apple is determined to win back the leading market share in smartphones . So Cupertino took a took a page out of the Amazon playbook and nuked smartphone prices. Look at what this means: ZDNet says it all – Apples Pricing Nukes the Smartphone Market And so this feature comparison raises a question about feature […]
Newest Browsers HTML5 Benchmarks
There has been an almost complete new set of browsers released in the last two months from all the major browser vendors. So these new browsers are included in these tests using the revised 450 item benchmark. The browsers are ranked by their % compliance scores with Google Chrome the best and IE 9 […]
Virtual Sign of the Times
This ad for VMWare underlines some themes that are beginning to percolate to the top in IT in general. First, is the OS Mess. There are now roughly double the number of operating systems today that have to be programmed for. But second, there is nary any cross platform tool that will produce write once […]
Amazon Shakes IT Markets
At a time when Apple is considering retiring its iPod, Amazon is shaking the whole IT industry to its core. Amazon is doing a Google Android and Apple selling software and hardware cheap to enable its online business to profit from many more tightly linked customers. Amazon is selling for cheaper than ever before a […]
Firefox 7 : Faster, Less Memory, No HTML5 Improvements
Just installed Firefox 7 and it runs faster than Firefox 6 with less memory usage . Windows Task manager is reporting on the same sequence of browsing steps ending up at that Firefox 7 is using 32% less memory than Firefox 6 required for the same operations. But the results were identically the […]
Microsoft Continues Web Mischief
When your total browser market share is declining by 1% per month [see wikipedia note here] and you are courting developers for your new Windows 8 OS which features HTML5 as a key developer component [the only cross platform tool of any import being offered byMicrosoft], the last thing Redmond would want to do is […]
Preview: Appsbar for creating Apple iOS and Google Android Mobile Apps for FREE has a nifty capability – Appsbar allows users to create iPhone iOS apps and Google Android apps on the Web for free.Sound incredible – but as the screen shot shows below Appsbar provide a workspace, design templates and a wizard to guide users through all the step required to build a mobile app. Lets […]
Update on Apple vs Windows Graphics Performance
One of the most popular posting on has been Apple vs Adobe: Are Apple’s MacOS/X Graphics Drivers to Blame. Well there is a new set of benchmarks as promised by Phoronix [but uploaded to] and they compare MacOS/X Lion vs the latest Windows 7 update. Fortunately the benchmarks are done in the same […]
It is now Google’s Linux
Ye Editor received a link to a post from Linux Desktop guru Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols yesterday and it was a bit of surprise. The story on ZDnet’s Linux and Open Source is entitled “The Linux desktop is dead. Long live the Linux desktop”. It certainly caught my attention. In the post Steven argues that the […]
Windows 8: Reading the Directions
Windows 8:What is to be Learned from Build Conference The first lesson is to see how far along Windows 8 is and its Metro interface – and who better to reveal this then 100 summer interns developing Metro style apps – see here for the details . The results are impressive. But another way to […]
Windows 8 Beats Apple iOS And Google Android
Microsoft has done the near impossible with its Windows 8 announcement this last week – it has catapulted into the lead in client OS software design ahead of both Apple iOS +MacOS/X and Google Android+ChromeOS. This is the good news for Microsoft – the bad news is that Apple and/or Google can quickly regain the advantage as […]
Adobe Edge beta 2: HTML5 Animation Tool
The Opensourcery is following more closely the fast rate of innovation at Adobe as appearing in the Adobe Labs. Adobe’s new HTML5 animation tool, Edge, has been of particular interest. And just 5weeks after its intro, the Edge team has produced a new beta 2 preview. Here is what the Edge IDE now looks like: […]