Open Source CMS-Content Management Systems/Blogs like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal  have become so popular as basic website delivery vehicles that they are now “must-know” tools for Web Developers. Check all the Blogs at the New York Times [a WordPress MU site ] and the Web developer want ads for proof of concept.

So I hope to find out more about EXTjs and jQuery integration and WordPress MU implementation details. ButI am open to ideas. See you later with more ideas.

The first presentation is about WordPress and Social Media – this should be interesting since WP seems to be social media repellent at times:

As it turns out, Jeremy is really talking about Twitter  primarily campaigns and is just approaching say Facebook or Flickr or horrors! MySpace. Too bad MSN, AOL, and Google Buzz. The essential idea is persuade and offer a service to clients/followers that is  more convenient than”having to go to and find the info at the Website. Social Media as more than lead in to tour main website is the key idea – discovered primarily in the post speech Q&A.

Next up is Richard Mitchell and Word Press Strategy for Nonprofits

This talk is about how handy WordPress is for delivering Websites using WordPress – and how well it has worked on Georgetown U Business School with 3-4,000 students and all sorts of changing requirements. Surprisingly the most important point is to use metrics in the implementation from the beginning [currently uses Google Analytics]. Then use the reports to find which blog postings/pages are working and then revise the posts and pages accordingly. Relevant to first talk – Georgetown and Nonprofits use social media like Linkedln, Facebook, and Twitter as integral part of the sites.

Telling Social media commentary. During the Q+A the MC asked how did audience find out about WordCamp:
1)Twitter ads – 0 hands
2)Facebook ads – 0 hands
3)Google Search – 40-50 hands
4)Google ads – 0 hands
5)Word of Mouth – 50-60 hands out of about 200 people.
Hmmm – informal poll really tells what is most useful in getting the word out.

LunchwithMary – WordPress Success Story

Best Success Story so far. Great idea for a blog – have lunch with some-one and tell the story first about who and why they were invited to lunch. Then a bit about the lunch – how was the food and service . Finally a small story about what was discussed. Absolutely great social-ability blog. This must be the envy of Eye-weekly, NOW Magazine, or the Globe and Mail…or perhaps there is an alliance?