With Microsoft pushing back Longhorn into the 2006-2007 timeframe we have nonetheless released our VB6/VBA Tutorials. We are advising clients to stick with VB6 and VBA over VB.NET for 3 reasons. First, VBA will remain as the official macro language for Office 2003 along with some server side .NET extensions. But the core will be VBA. Second, VBA is much easier to understand and program in then the .NET tools. VBAs comparative simplicity is orthogonal to the inheritance heavy .NET Framework required by VB.NET and VSA. But VBA still sports a very rich set of native and 3rd party components. Third, in 2005/2006 when Longhorn is finally introduced all that new .NET code is going to have to change again and drastically because the whole Windows API is being re-written from ground up for Longhorn. Why participate in two rewrites in 2-4 years time? Just wait until Microsoft gets its act in gear and the macro/VBA/scripting story straightened out. And demand great support for VB6 in the interim. In the meantime see our 16 VB6/VBA tutorials.