Sun Shines on IBM
The Sun shines on IBM if Armonk decides to go ahead with the rumored purchase of Sun Microsystems because Sun fills so many serious gaps at IBM. In fact I was just about to do an article which would cite IBM as being almost out to lunch on key computing directions including: a)virtualization technology and […]
JavaScript RAIA Demos
JavaScript as a contender for RIA usage is not readily contemplated. JavaScript appears to have the same problem as server-based Web UI toolkits from ASP through JSF/JSP to PHP and others – if you want to deliver true RIA with user choice of online or offline operations – tools that are dependent on an online […]
Google => Goofle ?
Now be honest – as a Google Mail user are you seeing a lot more of these type messages? 1)More Ooops messages like these doing ordinary operation in GMail ? 2)Complete unavailability/outages of Gmail Services ? 3)Slllllllow … very slow response time time ? 4)Anomalous results doing simple edits? It is happening more often than […]
More IDEs Surface
Here is another IDE, from alfega, that appeared on the PHP/Web development scene. It has the flavor of CodeGear/Embarcadero’s Delphi for PHP. I have seen at least 5 in the past week. What is going on ? Scramble for the defunct JavaScript/AJAX IDE brass ring – well its far from defunct as Backbase, Bindows, Nexaweb […]
Linux, the Desktop Whimp?
If you read comics books from the late 1930s thru to the mid 1960s (think Archie, Batman, Captain America, Fantastic Four, Superman, Wonder Woman … oops, am I revealing too much ?), you undoubtedly recall the Charles Atlas Body Building comic book ads. The ads were of various size (see the full length one above […]
Cloud Computing Drivers: AJAX Frameworks
It can be argued that JavaScript AJAX Frameworks are leading software development right now. This is not just UI Web development but the whole tenor of software being developed. Open, agile developing that is cross browser, OS, and database/web server platforms are the regular mashup targets of more developers. And the primary development software they […]
Visions of Cloud Computing
This site has been citing Cloud Computing as one of the critical tools for delivering integrated information at your fingertips. Providing not just the ease of use interfaces but also the access to tools+the complete data necessary for making the right decisions. But Cloud Computing has its skeptics. Information Week did a survey of over […]
Virtually Speaking
My what a difference a year makes. The trends on viirtualization have reflected the markets – and not quite 180 degreee changes but drastic revivals are the order of the day. Just take a look at Serverwatch’s 2008 predictions versus the assessment for the year ahead at ZDnet for 2009. Perhaps a stop at Information […]
JavaScript 2/ECMAScript 4 Delayed-Means Forking Inevitable?
I have previously commented on the importance of JavaScript to Adobe and Web 2.o in general – so it is very notable that work on ECMAScript 4 has been partitioned or delayed depending on who you consult. Clearly there is a functional and learning burden making the shift up to JavaScript 2/ECMAScript 4 – just […]
Piria’s Rombla Online Web Developer
Having featured SiteGrinder, its only fair to consider Rombla: The idea is the same as SiteGrinder, make the development of websites more conducive to designers by eliminating most if not all of the coding required to do modern Web 2 website designs. On first glance, I think Rombla is a few steps ahead of SiteGrinder […]
Languages as Religion…
This notion is not as absurd as it might seem. And I have proof, a series of LOL characterizations of popular programming languages as if they were religions. Check the following three out and see if you don’t agree: C would be Judaism – it’s old and restrictive, but most of the world is familiar […]
Flash Turnover
I have been maintaining that the rate of change in the computing industry in both hardware and software technology is just increasing slowly, surely and stressfully. I would like to use Flash from Adobe by way of Macromedia as an example. But just take a look at Visual Studio, Oracle DBMS or Intuit QuickBook versions. […]
Microsoft and Interoperability
One of the ways that Microsoft hopes to break into Cloud Computing beyond leveraging its Leviathan Presence on the Desktop is through a quiet but ever more broad Interoperability campaign. Witness: 1)Several agreements with Sun over Java and other software co-operation – here is the latest; 2)IBM and MS are doing selective agreements like content […]
High Performance GUI II
I decided to return to the question of High Performance GUI and look more carefully at the idea of making a light/laser wand or mouse. This requires a bit of a transformation in thinking – the screen becomes not just a passive display but active responder as well to light wand signals applied directly to […]
High Performance GUI
Infoworlds Jon Udell raises the question of why high performance GUIs have not emerged. He bemoans the fact that computing is stuck in the KVM-keyboard-video-mouse mode of operation. That is certainly true but I have a lot of friends and colleagues that have broken out of that paradigm with touch screens, gestures, speech commands, light […]