Here is another IDE, from alfega, that appeared on the PHP/Web development scene. It has the flavor of CodeGear/Embarcadero’s Delphi for PHP. I have seen at least 5 in the past week. What is going on ? Scramble for the defunct JavaScript/AJAX IDE brass ring – well its far from defunct as Backbase, Bindows, Nexaweb and Tibco would argue. Okay, then the Web 2 IDE/RAIA IDE of choice ? Well Adobe, Java, and Microsoft have some things to say about that. Bad times ? Maybe people are looking for more shotcuts. In any case, there is an awful lot of new application development software reaching the market. If there is some really good stuff maybe it can be caught.

One Response

  1. The Alfega IDE is really just a graphical WAML studio/designer similar to Delphi. I played around with it a bit and it is still a little immature, but actually quite an interesting concept. BTW, the WAML language is just another XML flavour with some a similar syntax to XHTML, so you don’t really need this IDE to do WAML dev.