
InfoWorld consistently hits home-runs on its major coverage stories like Byte and Computerworld used to. I am talking about the magazine not the website. Take the September 27, 2004 issue, page 38. Neil McAllister has pulled together a survey research based report on What Do Developers Want ?. The annual study again shows a small but significant shift in development priorities and preferences. The analysis and graphs do a lot of the talking but Neil draws attention to some interesting trends. Quibble – the sample of just under 500 respondents is well above statistical signifigance; but I always worry when trends are being measured, the exact survey population and methods only briefly summarized and the sample lies below 1000. However, after major and also superb stories on Portals then XML followed by Linux within the past 2-3 months, I am making certain my Infoworld magazine subscription gets renewed.
