Having been badly cash-burned by Facebook and Google on their pay for click schemes, this reviewer has concentrated on 2 different SEO Marketing strategies. First, conversion lead strategies like one-time discount prices for trying a service, or free copies of tutorials in exchange for an email address or free advisories with links to other providers  – this is one favorite approach. Second, there are backlink strengthening methods through social media, rating plugins, or comment appeals. For example,  “if you found this post and support helpful, please provide a link to the article ” is a direct backlink appeal.

But inevitably customers ask for keyword advice. At this point, I trot out MozBar or SEOquake and go searching for keyword insights in effectively the wrong places. But recently I came across a review of a keyword godsend, Keywords Everywhere, a free Chrome or Firefox browser extension. This free tool really helps in keyword analysis and here is how.


Keywords Everywhere Getting Started.

In the post there are included some excellent video tips on using KeyWords Everywhere. The first describes how to install Keywords Everywhere and shows both Chrome and Firefox browser installs. It also explains the basic Keywords Everywhere options settings that I will elaborate on below in more detail. But first lets take a look at what Keywords Everywhere delivers:
Keywords provides 3 key data points for the keywords search – volume of usage, CPC-Cost per Click, and Competitive reading. This data is provided for the search term at the top of the page. Then Keywords Everywhere provides a valuable list of Related Keywords and then a second list of  People Also Search For keyword phrases. This gives analysts a clear picture of how people are searching for the keyword of interest and at what cost. Note the use of green highlight to signal search terms that pass selected filters for Usage volume, Cost per Click and Competitive levels

The next screenshots shows how to select a keyword phrase  for insertion into the Keywords data table for added analysis:

One can quickly select all the keyword phrases or selectively click on the star icon for each keyword phrase you want to be added to your set of keywords. And this produces the next Keywords Everywhere innovation – a table of your collected keywords.

Yes,  Keywords Everywhere has a keywords data table that users can easily populate with their selected favorite keyword values. And users can save repeatedly to their keywords table from other searches; thus collecting a group of related keywords. Better,  users can also do bulk external uploads to their keywords table.  Here is what the keywords table looks like after several additions:
As seen in the screenshot, the users’ keyword table packs plenty of manipulation power. First, the results are displayed by user selected page size. At first, users have all their collected search data sorted alphabetically by keyword. In the screenshot, I have sorted the table by global CPC. I then can compare global Clicks Per Page with the US CPC value.  I can also search the table for a specific keyword phrase.

In the lower right of users favorite keyword table, there are 3 red buttons that allow users to delete selected keyword phrase, or delete all the unmarked keyword phrase or start over by deleting all the keyword phrases. Finally, users can export values from their keyword data tables into a Clipboard Copy, Excel, CSV, PDF or Print file.

Finally, here are some tips on your Keywords Everywhere settings:
Keywords Everywhere currently supports 16 websites for its source of comparative keyword statistics. Users can select exactly which sites should be used.  Users can employ filters to determine which keyword phrases get highlighted. For example, in the above screenshot, any Volume greater than 1000 or CPC greater than $1.5 or Competition value greater than 0.5 will be highlighted. And you can click on and choose the highlight color. And you can select which Country to include in the analysis and the currency to be used. In short, Keywords Everywhere makes short work of getting prepared for a detailed keyword analysis report.


Keywords Everywhere Video Help

This video makes installing KeyWords Everywhere in either Chrome or Firefox so easy. It includes some simple usage examples as well.

The next video shows how to save your keywords for analysis:

As you see in the left sidebar description, this is a powerful feature because it allows users to collect together selected keyword phrases and then copy that table of data to the clipboard, Excel, CSV  or PDF file.

The next video shows how users can upload keyword phrases into their  collection of favorite keyword phrases:

There are a couple of cautions with using the bulk upload feature. First, you should only upload the keyword phrases- not any other analysis data. Second, you should do this bulk upload first because the upload wipes out any search values you already have in the favorites table.

Free Keyword Tools Resources


Ahrefs  – which is in the keywords tool business for profits has its own list of favorite free keyword tools
Tim Felmingham – has an interesting list of free tools
ShoutMeLoud – is commited to “semi-free” tools
Neil Patel – has his own accomplished tool and points to others
Woorank –  this is an eCommerce oriented list of free tools


SEO and Keywords Analysis has been compared to Alchemy and Phrenology. But both of these “Sciences” have some tangential basis in facts. Keywords Everywhere, by helping users to collect and prune the keyword facts, certainly puts keywords analysis on a firmer footing.