
Web Tools and Methods

Web Goes the Way of SQL

On, I have been doing a revamped series of reviews and tutorials on CSS. One of the facts that is emerging is that W3C

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EU Has Got It Right

The US DOJ under the Bush Administration totally blew the Antitrust Decision with Microsoft. But that was the first sign of  an endemic incompetence. Now

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Google Plus is ++

Dave Winer is yawning at Google Plus, the new social sharing service offering from Mountain View[what happens to Google’s Orkut??]. Dave says it is just

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WordPress Slider Usage

Now that sliders for WordPress and general Web Development have become rich and varied in their features and reliable in their performance, it is worthwhile

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The FireBug Advantage

Now some would argue that Firefox deserves to be your browser for the great number of cool plugins that it offers. This story in Computerworld

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The OS Mess

The primary reason ye Editor is NOT an admirer of Apple and Steve Jobs is his relentless drive to establish a monopoly equal to or

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WordPress ThemeBuilders Under Stress

Our blog recently posted WordPress Under Duress, a report underlining multiple signs of pressure impacting WordPress. The WP Tavern Posting acknowledged several signs of stress.

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Google Wave:Update

The following is the details about Google Wave, Google’s very ambitious (open source?)effort to takehold of the social networking movement– it is derived from the

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The problem with Flash is that its coding was already tough with ActionScript, it is now doubly tough to code especially for designers using ActionScript

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HTML5 Test of Browsers : Feb 2015

TheOpenSourcery looked at the  benchmarks for the major browser just 6 weeks ago but HTML5Test changed its grading [read all about it here]so lets see what

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Chrome vs IE8

Update: See the latest benchmark results including Firefox, Opera, Safari results here. On the day after Labor Day I got a browser surprise. During my

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Return to Pay Per Web View

Time magazine confronts the problem which is plaguing the publishing industry and now spreading to all media – the model for charging for your work

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The Old Lady Sings

Many people have written off magazines and newspaper publishers as ante-diluvian and Waiting for Godot. Watch it. There is more to publishing on the Web

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Ballmer’s Problems Three

Steve Ballmer’s Microsoft is playing serious catchup in 3 big software development tasks: 1)Windows 7 still has speed, reliability, memory usage, hardware+software compatibility issues, and

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HTML5: Web SQL Database

SQLite is one of the most popular databases that you may not know about. It is used in every Firefox, Skype, McAfee,  and Solaris instance.

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Max Adobe Show

The Adobe Max Show in San Francisco this week is becoming as important to Web and Cloud Designers and Developers as the Microsoft PDF/TechEd conferences

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Web BandAids

Over the past 5 years the aids to using HTML5 and other key Web tools have accumulated rapidly. And the need for advice when and

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Underhyped Software

Let me suggest one candidate for underhyped software – that is software that is quite good but just manages to stay under the radar except

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CSS:The Missing Facts

I have just been sent CSS: The Missing Manual by David McFarland at O’Reilly Press to review. So I am scouting through the manual to

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Web Design IDEs

Drag and drop design of Web pages has been elusive – Borland had a product way back when with IntraBuilder which was quite good- but

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HTML5 Up and Running

This review is doing double duty. It evaluates the book HTML5: Up and Running by Mark Pilgrim from the O’Reilly Press while also doing review

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jQuery Image Display Toggles

A consistent need in web display is to be able to show selectively more details of an image+description triggered by either a click or mouseEnter/mouseLeave

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W3CSS and Knockout.js

This post is about two fast and furious Web developments. First is the emergence of as a vital tool for Web Development and the

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More IDEs Surface

Here is another IDE, from alfega, that appeared on the PHP/Web development scene. It has the flavor of CodeGear/Embarcadero’s Delphi for PHP. I have seen

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Chrome Frame Opportunity

I have been having an extended discussion on this blog about the role of Web writers and savvy developers in allowing Microsoft to be very

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Blogging from WordCamp Toronto 2010

Open Source CMS-Content Management Systems/Blogs like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal  have become so popular as basic website delivery vehicles that they are now “must-know” tools

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IE9: Such a Disappointment

IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE9, what a disappointment! It would not be so bad if Microsoft had managed expectations better. But the ACID3 scores going from 55% to 95%.

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