WordCamp 2014 – WordPress Visual Designers

WordPress has changed dramatically in the past 3-5 years. First, there is the opening up of the database to developers with custom fields, posts, pages,queries and taxonomies. This means that WordPress can now deliver any content desired. Second, and related to the swing to custom content is the adoption of sophisticated data integration beyond XMLRPC and its WP security […]
New WordPress.com Editor

WordPress.com has added a new editor and its is very nice. The side bar is much smoother and more convenient to use. The response time is still crisp and the old familiar editor is ready on standby if you have problems. And I did. This user could not get the editor to publish properly. That […]
WordPress and JavaScript II

Getting JavaScript to work inside WordPress Pages and Posts can be a bit of tricky coding. The fundamental problem is that the WordPress Visual Editor prunes out any <SCRIPT> tags or inline JavaScript associated with events like onclick= or onmouseover= etc. Now developers can get around this by sticking religiously to using the HTML editor when […]
WordPress Inline JavaScript

Inline JavaScript is possible with WordPress. But users have to give up the WordPress Visual Editor inorder to insure that the onclick= or onmouseover= and other inline JavaScript code is not stripped away by the Visual Editor. So to take advantage of the WordPress auto loading of the jQuery library, users have to give up […]
Creating Lively Splash Pages in WordPress

Creating lively and attractive splash pages in WordPress is easier than ever to do. And the payoff is not only more visitors but also more satisfied ones because they get the info they need efficiently with easy navigation. So come to the second tutorial about Web development on Monday July 15th at the Quinte West […]
2 Free Web Tutorials at Quinte West Library

The Web Doctor is in at the Quinte West Library on Monday July 7th from 5:30 to 7:30PM. The topic is website makeovers – when, why , and how. This lecture is for those who don’t have a website as much as those who do but want to do better. The surprising conclusion is that […]
Replacing Adobe Dreamweaver

This reviewer has been a Dreamweaver user since its early appearance as a Macromedia program over 15 years ago. Dreamweaver was the first IDE for HTML+CSS+Javascript with a unique Visual + Code view of a developing web page file. It also held out the promise for a tight integration with PHP+MySQL client server development with a […]
NextGen Gallery Plugin Improvements
NextGen Gallery has had a very shaky start to its new 2.0 upgrade since Photocrati took over the plugin’s development. As previously reported the plugin was next to inoperable if you wanted to add new images or galleries in the 2.0 version. However, the following screenshot shows major fixes in the Add and Manage Gallery […]
Nextgen Gallery 2 Beta
NextGen Gallery image using ScrollGallery plugin One of the better gallery plugins for WordPress has been Nextgen Gallery which uses the WordPress database as a source of information on the images stored and used in a WordPress blog. Users can create dozens of galleries and combine galleries into albums for display purposes. Plugin vendors have […]
Hulu’s Catch 22 Embed Code
Oh you have to love it when the online Gods Conspire to work against you. This error message does not appear in separate browser tab but replaces the original post and story. In presenting a story on the Daily Show’s savagely funny skit on the GOP’s scuttling of even background checks on gun purchases, ye […]
Is WordPress Losing its UI WYSIWYG Advantage to Webs and Weebly?
Over the past 3-5 years one of the key selling point for WordPress has been the ability to say to clients that editing Pages and Post is WYSIWYG easy to do. The selling line has been “if you can edit an email or Microsoft Word document, you can easily create and edit WordPress Pages and […]
Web Design: Full Page Slider Splash
Big commanding full page slider as LibreOffice’s home landing page This is a new trend that is picking up steam as sliders become ever more accomplished. Instead of being used for special events or short term splash pages, these full page-width slider are becoming the landing home page[s] for more sites. And why not? Make […]
WordPress Slider Usage
Now that sliders for WordPress and general Web Development have become rich and varied in their features and reliable in their performance, it is worthwhile reviewing how sliders can be effectively deployed in your WordPress websites. Two Standard Usages First, because most sliders readily handle captions and live links for each page, they are usefulttools […]
Free Online Web Testgrounds
Over the past year, three online Web testing “playgrounds” have emerged which can be quite useful to WordPress and Web developers alike. All three allow users to register and then save their work for later review at no cost. Here are the test environs: JSFiddle – allows testing in 3 panels: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript […]